School of Hits tells me that Zidane is an Algerian Jew, and I think that's probably the topic of discussion Materazzi (nasty guinea bruiser) used as Topic of Discussion leading to one of the wildest gladiatorial meltdowns caught on tape. Zizou's Fall is an unfortunate asterix to a distinguished career that included one of the
best ever goals in club play. However, it offers us an opportunity to appreciate what I've always considered Great Britain's most impacting contributions:
The Glasgow Kiss, king of the kinetic arts, the humble Headbutt, unfairly ghettoized in stinking bars in one or more of London's viler "Ends." Zizou deployed an exotic version of the upright headbutt with a crisp flair one would expect from one of the game's greatest finesse players. And if you're thinking it was a cheap shot, just go ahead and try smashing your forehead into some jerkoff's sternum with half as much accuracy. And while you're having a go at that, consider the restraint Zidane showed by not wiping the silly nose right off Materazzi's face. Humble indeed, Mr. Zidane. Here's to you.