The Magic Kettle
Hero remembers vaguely the moment in Moitessier's The Long Way when the professor sermonizes about the pressure cooker at sea. Here's a Hero's elegy: It is the magic kettle. Place water and whatever the hell else you want into it -- rice, garbanzos, pieces of chicken, curry paste, tuna, a swatch of canvas -- zap it for 5 minutes after first steam and let it sit for another 4. Even if the boat is bouncing around like a cat on coals (oh, and it is! oh, yes, it is...) the cooker stays sealed. Throw it across the cabin and it stays sealed (if it hits your head, there's no guarantee your skull with stay sealed. More on that later.) It is also very gas-efficient, and ordains every dish with a mystical tastiness. The pressure cooker = magic kettle.
In other news: We worked on the assym yesterday in the mouth of the harbor, and went through the reefing system. A double-reef is the Solo's favorite configuration in force 4/5. Back at the dock I climbed the mast to replace the VHF antenna and the Winddex, and had a view right into the ladies showers along the pier. That should satisfy the desperate cries from married men for more salacious material.
In the evening I received news that one of the bigger cash sponsors we had landed had reconsidered. The rep cited Hurricane Katrina. It was a hard blow, and it gets us dangerously close to a two-year postponement. Anyway, I accept full responsibility for Katrina (part of the general law of probability, entitl'd "Mike's Law of Trans-Atlantic Occurence," stating that whenever I fly from NYC to Barcelona, something horrible happens in the States the following day: 9/11, NYC blackout, Hurricane Katrina).
Anyway, we managed to convince the TJV race committee to allow us to qualify with a Sat D+ system in stead of a Sat C. I had an offer last month from Marine Track for a Sat D+, and now they are balking. Looks like another weekend in Lisbon...
In other news: We worked on the assym yesterday in the mouth of the harbor, and went through the reefing system. A double-reef is the Solo's favorite configuration in force 4/5. Back at the dock I climbed the mast to replace the VHF antenna and the Winddex, and had a view right into the ladies showers along the pier. That should satisfy the desperate cries from married men for more salacious material.
In the evening I received news that one of the bigger cash sponsors we had landed had reconsidered. The rep cited Hurricane Katrina. It was a hard blow, and it gets us dangerously close to a two-year postponement. Anyway, I accept full responsibility for Katrina (part of the general law of probability, entitl'd "Mike's Law of Trans-Atlantic Occurence," stating that whenever I fly from NYC to Barcelona, something horrible happens in the States the following day: 9/11, NYC blackout, Hurricane Katrina).
Anyway, we managed to convince the TJV race committee to allow us to qualify with a Sat D+ system in stead of a Sat C. I had an offer last month from Marine Track for a Sat D+, and now they are balking. Looks like another weekend in Lisbon...
I am satisfied, thank you.
Aww, man, what a blow!
Well, fuck, if Kim weren't going PetCo-crazy with yr Visa, you wouldn't need corporate sponsors. Prioritize, MIKE!
I have noticed you use of a capital H when using the self-identity of Hero. This would assume other than a definition of the term "hero" as we usually use it: central character in an event, courageous warrior, etc. The capital H seems to indicate a reference to Hero, the Greek priestess to Aphrodite. The key issue here is the "ess". This seems at odds with the need for a digital camera, unless of course we are dealing with another Greek reference, Sappho.
Let's get this organized in a way I can understand.
Beginning to worry that Hero (hero?) has fallen overboard or blown internet connectivity money on complicated navigational device.
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