The hero departs, an ancient city weeps...

This evening, ahora mismo, I'm finally leaving for Lisbon and the Polarity Solo. My hosts, Eric and Aurora, have been kinder than thye should have been. We have eaten many typical Catalan meals together, I have learned to conjugate five Catalan verbs and to form several sentences built around the word "cat". My only complaint is that the accomodations have been too palatial. Like Ellen MacArthur and Captain Willard, I have grown soft as flan here in Barcelona, and lost most of my tan.

The weather report on the Portuguese coast calls for a prolonged high pressure system with light winds and weather uncharacteristically felicitous for the region. Paul is going to meet me at the gas dock at Doca do Belem, in the port of Lisbon, at eight o'clock tonight, and we're off to an anchorage nearby. For the next few days, probably until Thursday. Meanwhile, we're keeping our fingers crossed that Stratos Global comes though with the Sat C, otherwise, we're going to spend our food money one and install it ourselves - which is what I suppose normal people do.
Now I'm off to the airport. Hope to post again before I depart Lisbon.
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