Thursday, October 18, 2007

Rockland Public Fishing Pier, October 15, 2007

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Polo, as viewed by wealthy Sardinians

The sport of polo is not viewed by the poor, in Sardinia or elsewhere. Of course, I'm poor, and I viewed polo in Sardinia, but - as my old landlord, Robert, once told me as I handed him my sixth consecutive month of late rent - "[I] live life without worry, because [I] appear comfortable around the wealthy."

The polo players on this emerald tract four times the size of a soccer field, which is situated inland from the Costa Smeralda on the north end of Sardinia, each ride four ponies per match. The players are as brutal and aggressive as any athletes I've witnessed outside football. When the match ended, the clamor of a dozen helicopters echoed off the canyon walls as they fluttered in to pick up the players.